Diesdas Wiki How we think + roll

This is the place where we collect all things Diesdas; our company culture and philosophy, guides for new employees, and any interesting bits and pieces about the team and the company.

We decided to publish this handbook to give everyone a look behind the curtain, so you can see how we roll as an organisation. We hope that you find this useful.


We’re an international team and while some of us are trying to learn German, most of the office communication takes place in English. To encourage inclusivity and language exchange between team members, we follow these general principles:

  • Speak at a slower rate and use clear pronunciation with anyone who is less familiar with your language
  • Don’t be afraid to use body language to get a point across
  • Avoid jargon and advanced vocabulary – instead speak clearly and in plain terms
  • Be respectful of other’s language barriers by showing patience and understanding
  • Have fun with it, language is supposed to be flexible!

Please speak up if you are experiencing challenges with another team members' communication style or approach. More often than not, taking the time to establish the meaning behind a moment of communication will yield positive results and learnings. This allows us to continually improve the culture of respect we've built up until this point, and creates a safe space to explore creativity and collaboration.